Discover the factors that influence the success or failure of Digital Transformation processes and how you can maximize your organization's potential with Marcela Corbo, Operations Manager, and Lorena Veiga, Business Development Manager of K2BHealth. (Remember to enable subtitles).
Interoperability Platform of the National Cancer Institute (INCAN) of Paraguay
K2BHealth presented, together with BID Lab, the results of the pilot project for the implementation of the...
Patient Safety in the Digital Era: Mitigating Risks and Improving Healthcare Quality
Al incorporar la seguridad del paciente como disciplina en nuestra visión estratégica, logramos una mejora significativa en la...
Telemedicine: What is it, how does it work, and how to implement it?
La telemedicina se ha convertido en una forma revolucionaria de brindar atención médica en la era digital, ofreciendo...