We have launched our Video Consultation component!

Video consultation component

Provides an exceptional experience for both patients and healthcare professionals with our cloud-based video component.


  • It facilitates patient monitoring and ensures continuous care.
  • It improves appointment management by reducing cancellations and waiting times.
  • Allows your patients to receive medical care from any location.
  • It easily integrates with your existing information systems and electronic medical records.
  • Complies with the strictest security and privacy standards.
  • Complete report of the calls made with their durations and participants.

K2BHealth Video Consultation enables video-mode patient care and consultation recording, whether it's with the patient or among two or more professionals. It allows access and recording in the patient's electronic health record.


We have launched our Video Consultation component!

Brinda una experiencia excepcional tanto a pacientes como a profesionales de la salud con nuestro componente de video...

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