
Digital Capabilities Diagnosis

Effectively address the challenges of digital transformation through an analysis and diagnosis of your organization's level of technological maturity.

It's time to drive the digital transformation of your organization

Conozca nuestro Diagnóstico de Capacidades Digitales (DCD) diseñado para el sector Salud. Nuestra misión es ayudar a su organización a abordar de manera eficaz los desafíos de la transformación digital, a través de un análisis y diagnóstico del nivel de madurez tecnológica de la organización.

The healthcare industry is undergoing a digital revolution that impacts organizations, their processes, structure, and people. From patient care to internal management, technology plays a crucial role in delivering high-quality services and process optimization.

Through our diagnosis , it is possible to understand the current situation regarding certain key topics and identify the leap that should be addressed to achieve the strategic objectives set by the organization.

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Why is DCD important in the health sector?

The first step of the diagnosis involves understanding what the organization's objectives are so that they can be used as input for the rest of the diagnosis. A thorough understanding of the business model (the way in which the organization delivers and captures value) is a key pillar for digital transformation.

As part of the diagnosis, we conduct an analysis of existing digital solutions, with special emphasis on how they are used to support the organization's key processes. In this process we obtain a map of solutions and business processes, from which we identify opportunities for improvement.

Another dimension we address is the understanding of the technology department and the value proposition it offers to the organization: structure and profiles, processes, methodologies and its alignment with industry best practices.

Throughout the process, we review the current state of the technological infrastructure and evaluate IT security. In this high-level analysis, we seek to identify how prepared the technological infrastructure is to guarantee the availability of systems, business continuity and protection of sensitive data.

The surveys and analyses carried out generate as main input the identification of improvement opportunities and technological gaps that should be covered, so that the organization can address a seamless digital transformation process.

The identification of gaps and an appropriate prioritization for the organization, translate into a set of recommendations that make up a digital roadmap for the digital transformation process.

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Our Efficient Approach

Si bien el diagnóstico se realiza con una mirada integral, adoptamos un enfoque eficiente centrado en un muestreo de procesos, soluciones y puntos clave. Esto nos permite lograr resultados más rápidos y efectivos para su organización.

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¿Listo para liderar la transformación digital en su organización?

Contáctenos para iniciar el viaje hacia una verdadera transformación digital de su organización. Complete el formulario a continuación para obtener más información y comenzar con nuestro Diagnóstico de Capacidades Digitales.

Contact us

Request advice by completing the form below. Please be sure to include all the information so we can contact you as soon as possible.

Conozca nuestros servicios y soluciones

Make your modules independent, allowing you to exchange and interpret information from any other system.

The administrative modules of K2BHealth work in all the operative process related to the clinical registry.

The medical record is accessed and maintained at each medical act and can be consulted at any time and from any place.

Have a project in mind?

We develop our solutions based on GeneXus technologies, which ensures that the applications can be easily adapted to the specific technological requirements for each project, and the software’s future technological evolution.

Contact Us

+598 2601 2082 int. 105
Av. Italia 6201. Technological Park,
Los Pinos Building - Top Floor
Montevideo, Uruguay.

Request a Demo

Request advice or a product demo by completing the following form.