Connectivity in Healthcare Systems

connectivity in health systems

La interoperabilidad en los sistemas de salud se refiere a la capacidad de diferentes tecnologías, sistemas y aplicaciones para comunicarse y compartir información de manera eficiente y segura. En este paper conocerás el impacto de la interoperabilidad en la continuidad asistencial. Descárgalo gratis. DESCARGA EL PAPER GRATIS Nombre Es obligatorio Apellido Es obligatorio E-mail corporativo … Leer más

HematoApp: Improving the Quality of Life for Lymphoma Patients


El linfoma es un cáncer que se desarrolla en las células blancas del sistema linfático, que es parte del sistema inmunitario del cuerpo. En nuestro país, esta enfermedad afecta a 16 de cada 100 mil habitantes. Con el objetivo de mejorar la interacción entre pacientes con linfoma, el sistema de salud y los diferentes prestadores … Leer más

In Uruguay, now everyone has a Digital Health Record

medical history

Through the Mi Historia Clínica Digital (My Digital Health Record) application, as a user of the Sistema Nacional Integrado de Salud (SNIS) and being over 18 years old, it is possible to access your own digital clinical information and configure permissions and privacy settings from any computer, tablet, or mobile phone.

E-Health: Two essential devices in telemedicine based on physical distancing


They have solidified themselves on the pandemic stage and are here to stay. These are two innovations that have a positive impact on the User Experience (UX) for both patients and medical personnel, one using Internet of Things (IoT) and the other with the drive-thru dynamics. Let's talk about Galeno_Sys and ATGen, and the health benefits that these solutions bring with them during and beyond the COVID-19 health emergency.

Healthcare and Assistance in Times of Turbulence


The Uruguayan healthcare system has faced these challenging pandemic moments with excellence, even receiving global recognition. Let's talk about and one of its cornerstones: the National Electronic Health Record and its integration with the National Coronavirus Plan. Let's also discuss two other applications created during the pandemic: Residenciales and Voluntarios Asistenciales.

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