Implementation of Sanatorial Management for Asociación Española

Once the Asociación Española de Socorros Mutuos (ASESP) completed the implementation of its Electronic Health Record (Virazón) across all levels of care, it began working towards enabling it to also perform Sanatorial Management, allowing for the management of all beds within the institution and their status.

foto ilustrativa


To carry out this management, Virazón had to interoperate with the patients' Electronic Health Records, as well as other systems.

Among the actions that Virazón had to perform to carry out Sanatorial Management, it included admitting both member and non-member patients from all levels of care, visualizing all beds in the sanatorium and their status, and finally, facilitating patient transfers between different sectors and levels of care.


Sanatorial Management features a map of the institution's beds, displaying a color-coded scale indicating their status.

The bed status is linked to the Medical Discharge Recommendation, and the color changes once Nursing provides the final discharge. The bed is then transferred to the Hygiene Service, where it undergoes cleaning of the unit before being made available for Admissions to assign to another patient or possibly transferred to Maintenance, rendering it temporarily unavailable.

mockup gestion sanatorial


This system reduces the time to obtain real-time status updates of the sanatorium and expedites the process of finding an available bed.

Technologies and tools

  • Genexus Evo 2
  • Genexus Evo 3
  • Genexus 15
  • Oracle
  • Java 7
  • K2BTools
  • K2BAudit
  • GXServer
  • Tomcat 7
  • JBoss 6.3 eap
  • WildFly
  • Apache
  • HL7 2.5
  • CDA
  • XDS


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